So when I heard a news item about the Big Path Watch, I investigated and then signed up. The idea is to survey/walk every path in the country. Volunteers can sign up to "adopt" square kilometres.
Here's my first one: (in yellow - I've also adopted the pink ones to do later)
First, the path by the farmhouse.
It's clearly signed, and not difficult to walk...
... though it seems to go round the farm, rather than through the farmyard, as on the map.
Really easy to follow here (I'm now on the adjacent square, recording it ready for my next outing)
Still clear - more than can be said for the weather - it began to rain here.
This part of the path disappeared into the crops, with no clear line. It's a short section, and there's another route very close by so it's not insurmountable
Broken stile to report
Back into the yellow square. Cattle on the path, but very friendly, so not an issue.
Then the path on the top left corner - only one field of it on my section.
Clear and well signposted. I'm supposed to record if there are good views - this was one, I thought. (Even better if not raining!)
Walking down the road back to the bridle path, this is the view over the fields .
First, the part which heads towards Enville
Clear, and easy to walk. Check! I retraced my steps, to head towards White Hill.
This bridle path is part of the Staffordshire Way,
...and is very easy to follow
In parts there are sandstone ridges at the side
Then, down Bath Lane, with its stone wall made of sandstone, which is quite unusual.
The next path is very clear
I'm supposed to report on interesting flowers, etc. I think this has been planted as a meadow.
Again, the path is very clear.
So. The end of my first square - a short stretch of inaccessible path, and one broken stile. Not too bad. But this is right by civilisation: how will I fare next time - further out?
Why not join in yourself? It's good fun, and I walked paths I would never normally have bothered with. Better to do when not raining though as some of the paths are little walked and walking through wet, dense vegetation isn't all that much fun. There's always a warm bath and a drink of hot chocolate afterwards though.
Today's Walk: I walked around 3 miles in total, making up my own route. A basic knowledge of mapreading is needed, but the map I got to print out had all the filed boundaries on, so it's easier to work out exactly where you are without needing a compass. It's also an app on a smartphone, but I recorded on paper this time- so that later, I could compare which was the easier method. I can upload pictures too.
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