Monday 13 April 2015

Ansty, near the M6 and M69

In a nice contrast to my last few blogs from Padstow, today's blog is back down to earth with a bump! This walk really surprised me.
I took my car to Coventry for its annual service. 

I decided to go for a quick walk by the junction of the M6 and M69 near Ansty, where there is a canal. At the point where I joined it, the canal is higher than the road!

Bridge 11 ...

...of the Oxford Canal, as the waypost informed me..

Very close to the M69, but very green, almost immediately

The canal was quite busy - it was Easter week.

Just part of a great clump of wild violets: I wasn't expecting that.

And these flowers were even more amazing. Butterbur. In the summer, the plant has leaves like rhubarb leaves. They were used to wrap up butter, hence the name.

I think these were also butterbur, but before the flowers have grown

This field had been ploughed. Must have been a tough job. The pieces are huge - not like the friendly sandy soil where I live!

Celandines in full flower too.

Butterbur lining the bank as far as the eye could see. Extraordinary.

The canal passed over a golf club. Half the course on each side, with a bridge underneath, so I suppose it was really a small aqueduct

Unfortunately the clay soil quickly developed into thick mud, so I turned back

Walking the  other way, there were lots of horses

This one was pawing the water, usually the sign that he would like to roll in it. He didn't, though.

Another boat - pussy willow in the foreground

You can see these cottages from the M69 - I'd never noticed them before

A lorry crosses the M69 bridge

Returning to the car, with Ansty church steeple peeping through the trees.

And a donkey always adds something to a walk.

Conclusion. A very unpromising place for a walk, but lovely scenery, and lots of spring flowers. Just shows how beautiful Britain can be.

Today's walk. I parked in Ansty, a village just outside of Coventry, and walked out along the canal for 20 minutes, then back again. Then I did the same the other way. The walk was so nice, I'd have liked to walk further, but the car was ready for collection! You can see a boatyard from the M6: I would have liked to see that, but no time. Perhaps next time.

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