Saturday 14 November 2015

Kinver Edge - a quick circuit

We've been having some changeable weather recently. Sunshine, wind and showers. Trying my best to dodge the showers, I set out on a quick 1.5 mile circuit of Kinver Edge - my favourite walk.

Plenty of other people had had the same idea - the car parking area was quite busy

The old sign with the map of this circuit has now gone, to be replaced with this one, which doesn't mention the walk. But you should be able to follow it with this description.

Take the clear path through the trees, heading steadily up hill.

Carry on in the same direction when the trees thin out. On Monday the volunteers were clearing and burning scrub

I liked the sign that explained what they were doing.

Continue up the sandy path

Looking back towards the Maize Maze, and the wooded Clent Hills in the distance.

When you reach the top of the Edge, you turn right along the top, but before you do (if you are brave) look for this sign about 15 metres to your left, and follow the path which heads down to Nanny's Rock.

It's not too far to descend, and the views from it are too good to miss. Take care not to go near the rock's edge though!

You are looking onto the tops of trees far below.

Retrace your steps back to the main path along the Edge and continue, keeping the views on your left

In the distance, you can see the Clee Hills (with cloud on their tops here)

The views from the Edge are always lovely - hence the number of benches to just sit and enjoy looking

Walk to the (now refurbished) toposcope at the end of the Edge, then turn right,...

...enjoy the views over Kinver village,...

...and then follow the sandy track, past the War Memorial, and back to the car parking.
The old map details said this route was 1.5 miles., but my satellite tracker said it was 1.75 miles, or 1.8 with the visit to Nanny's Rock

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