Wednesday 3 June 2015

Kinver Edge and Kingsford Forest Park

I post lots of pictures from Kinver Edge, showing the extensive views: this walk shows a different, more wooded side, mainly in the adjacent Kingsford Forest Park. Starting at the Blakeshall car park...

...I followed the North Worcestershire Path in the direction of Bewdley

This is a walk of tall trees

...and lush vegetation. Here's a foxglove almost ready to flower 

Native trees all mixed in together

Soon, I reached the junction with the Staffordshire Way. From here, the section of the N Worcs Path used to be called the Worcestershire Way, but that now starts at Bewdley. Confusing!

Along the wooded top of the Edge, there are not many views, because the trees are in leaf. I call this the Poppy Bench View. 

The signs make the path very easy to follow

The trees are just so very tall!

I soon met these steps. They are steeper than this picture makes them look (and more numerous: this is about a third of the way up!)

Finally, out of the trees, and a view towards Clent

The meadow grass is quite long.

The path goes down this lane

... although the signs have almost disappeared into the greenery .

The lane becomes a narrow path

Ferns on the sandstone outcrop.
The walk continues to Drakelow and its fascinating secrets - of which, more tomorrow. Click here to see.

Today's walk: From the Blakeshall car park, follow the N Worcs Path signs to Kingsford Lane. Cross it, and shortly, leave the N Worcs Path , by turning right along Lower Kingsford Lane. Follow this to Castle Hill Lane/Kingsford Lane junction, and then take the path directly opposite. Keep on this path, and don't deviate, and you will come to the N Worcs Path once, more: follow this back to your car. About 5 miles NB the route is harder than it sounds, because it's very difficult to tell where you are on the map. (trees everywhere!) Luckily, the signposting is good.

1 comment:

  1. Some lovely photos of the area there. It's just a shame that National Trust plan on cutting all the trees down.
